Thursday, September 15, 2016

International Dot Day - 1st Creation Session

Today was our first creation session, and we were able to kick it off to a GREAT start with International Dot Day! Mrs. Chambers and I read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. This book has a wonderful message. Throughout the story, a little girl is asked to make a picture. However, she has no idea where to begin. Her teacher encourages her to just make a mark. The little girl makes a dot, and the teachers asks her to sign the painting at the bottom. As the book continues, the girl makes several new marks, and by the end, has a large art collection. The theme of the story is to make your own mark on the world. So, today we did just that! We made our own dot/mark. Makers had 40 minutes to use the Makerspace supplies in the classroom to make their own dot. They also made their own "mark" on our first ever STEAM picture frame! We hope you enjoy the pictures below. :)

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds (left)

Making our own marks! (below)

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